2011 Convention – BRUSSELS

2011 Convention – BRUSSELS

Gamian- Europe  Annual Convention  in collaboration with Ups&Downs Brussels 22/23 September 2011 Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre Thursday 22nd September:  A day at the European Parliament Meeting of the Interest group of Members of The European Parliament...
2012 Convention – UTRECHT

2012 Convention – UTRECHT

15th Annual Educational Convention 12th – 14th October 2012 Utrecht Netherlands In collaboration with VMDB Hotel Mitland, Arienslaan 1, 3573 PT Utrecht http://www.mitland.nl  Tel :+31 (0)30-2715824. Programme Thursday 11th October 2012 Evening: Award Giving Ceremony...
2010 Convention – LISBOA

2010 Convention – LISBOA

GAMIAN-Europe’s XIII ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION in collaboration with ADEB Lisbon Portugal, 21st October -23rd October Strengthening of Patient’s voice in the Improvement of Mental Health Care Thursday, 21st October Opening Ceremony Award Giving Ceremony –...
2009 Convention – MALTA

2009 Convention – MALTA

Convention Programme  Malta 2009 Friday, 6th November Welcome by the President, Dolores Gauci Opening Speech by the Prime Minister of Malta, Dr. Lawrence Gonzi Plenary Session PSYCHOEDUCATION: IT’S ROLE AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES Keynote Presentation:  Self Management: Its...