Highlights of GAMIAN-Europe’s Annual General Meeting in Athens


This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of GAMIAN-Europe, held in the historic city of Athens on May 25, 2024, was not only a testament to our organisation’s commitment to mental health advocacy but also a celebration of unity, progress, and shared goals. Gathering members from across Europe, the event highlighted the importance of collaboration and innovation in mental health.

The meeting opened with a warm welcome from our President, Péter Kéri, who presented his experience as a patient, in his words,  he shone a light on our commitment for “working to ensure that the voices of all patients are heard, because we cannot believe that there are good and bad patients“. This was followed by a crucial review and approval of the minutes from the previous General Assembly of 2023, securing that all matters from the previous year were addressed and set forth for future action.

New GAMIAN-Europe Board Members 

A significant moment of the meeting was the introduction of new GAMIAN-Europe Board Members: Daniel Cernik, from the Association Kolumbus in Czech Republic, Shaun Johnson from Rethink Mental Illness in the UK, Elpida Minadaki from ADHD Hellas in Greece and Tim Saarinen from Taiteen Sulattamo ry in Finland . The inclusion of new Board Members enriches our network with fresh perspectives and energies dedicated to mental health advocacy.

2023 Annual Report  

Following a brief break, Nigel Olisa, our Executive Director, presented the 2023 Annual Report. This presentation highlighted the achievements and challenges of the past year and set a motivated agenda for the coming periods. The financial stability and accountability of GAMIAN-Europe were thoroughly discussed by our Treasurer, Jacinta Hastings, and further validated by reports from our accountant and auditor, culminating in the approval of the 2024 budget.

AGM highlights

One of the highlights of this year’s AGM was the insightful workshop conducted by ADHD Hellas on the role of sport, as motivation and incentive, in promoting mental health. The session titled “Inclusion and acceptance of different roles through sport” emphasised not only the physical benefits of sports but also their significant impact on mental well-being, encouraging inclusion and acceptance.

The afternoon sessions were rich with updates and strategic discussions. Péter Kéri reintroduced what GAMIAN-Europe stands for, reaffirming our commitment to patient advocacy and mental health awareness and stressing the important sense of belonging. This was complemented by presentations from Cecilia Angulo, Projects and Policy Manager, and Karl Lavò, Policy and Communications Officer, who shared insights into current and upcoming GAMIAN-Europe projects, campaigns and policy initiatives. Cecilia Angulo, also provided updates on various EU Research Projects, highlighting our commitment to actively involve patients in mental health research at the European level.

The official agenda concluded with the elections of the new board and closing remarks by Péter Kéri, marking a sense of accomplishment.

The day wrapped up with a delightful dinner hosted by ADHD Hellas. The evening was filled with lively discussions and shared stories.

We extend our deepest thanks to all the participants and organisers who made the AGM such an impactful event. Here at GAMIAN-Europe, we are excited about the future and are more committed than ever to advancing the cause of mental health across Europe. Together, we continue to make strides towards a healthier, more inclusive society, close to all patients.

Stay tuned for the latest news and events. Follow us on LinkedInFacebookTwitter, and Instagram.


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